

An english patch for kreisreise ? - Xeha

2014/08/19 (Tue) 10:23:50

It would be really awesome to make an english patch for kreisreise, I found the game really cool and fun

Re: An english patch for kreisreise ? - eonayu(author)

2014/09/08 (Mon) 20:24:28

Thank you for playing.
Sorry for the late reply.
And I'm sorry, i am weak in english.
I'll consider it ,but I think that it will take long time.

Re: An english patch for kreisreise ? - Xeha

2014/09/13 (Sat) 22:18:46

Although it took a long time it would be really great.

I've done the game with the 6 endings but I don't get all the "achievements" because I didn't get able to translate them.

Also I found a bug to get all the gallery complete and visual glitches, if you want I can give you the corrupted save and explain you the bug. (without editing my save files)

And thank you very much for this amazing game, I think it's the best game I ever played.

Re: An english patch for kreisreise ? eonayu(author)

2014/09/15 (Mon) 09:33:14

Thank you for the report of the bug.
Could you send me the save?
In addition, I would appreciate if you could explain the situation that occurred.

Please send the file by an email.

Re: An english patch for kreisreise ? - Xeha

2014/09/15 (Mon) 20:51:20

I send you all you need by an email

Re: An english patch for kreisreise ? - Xeha

2015/01/18 (Sun) 04:21:48

Is there any advancement ?

Re: An english patch for kreisreise ? - eonayu(author)

2015/01/24 (Sat) 22:10:24

Work was busy and was not able to readily start it.
I translate it little by little, but it's more than I thought, and seems to already keep you waiting for a while.

Re: An english patch for kreisreise ? - Xeha

2015/01/25 (Sun) 00:41:29

Don't worry, take your time I can wait.
I'm still playing it and having fun by speedrunning it and trying to finish it without the dash item.

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